Dicecreator's Blog
Handmade dice, for the gamer and collector.

Social experiments, and physics help

I can’t believe the week is over…I’m so busy I didn’t felt the passing of time (wake up, work, eat, work, go sleep, repeat) so I have not updated the blog in a while, not due to lack of content, but time.

This week I still have a ton of work, but I’ll try to update the blog more regularly. However, an interesting result has arised from all this.

While updating the blog on a IRREGULAR basis, visit count was around 100 visits a day, however, when I started to post regularly on alternate days, an interesting pattern emerged.

As you can see on the graphic, instead of a more or less constant 100 visits a day, from september 1 to september 13,  you can see a sawtooth pattern of four days, while after september 13, visits remain around 50/day. Quite interesting, at least for me ^^

From august 22 to sept 1, extreme variations are due to dice being shown on other blogs/pages, wich always rise blog views.

Now, on the physics help.

Do you have a physics degree, or are an advanced math adept? Do you know Feynman diagrams?…if your answer is yes, then I can use your help to do a more or less silly printed die. drop me an email at dicecreator(at)gmail.com if you want to know more.

See you soon!

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